Percentage of Participants Achieving Minimal Disease Activity (MDA) at Week 16 for Zasocitinib Dose A and B Compared to Placebo [Time Frame: At Week 16]
Percentage of Participants Achieving PASI-75 Response (in Participants With a Baseline >=3% BSA) at Week 16 for Zasocitinib Dose A and B Compared to Placebo [Time Frame: Baseline, at Week 16]
Percentage of Participants Achieving ACR50 Response at Week 16 for Zasocitinib Dose A and B Compared to Placebo [Time Frame: At Week 16]
Change From Baseline in the HAQ-DI Score at Week 16 for Zasocitinib Dose A and B Compared to Placebo [Time Frame: Baseline, at Week 16]
Percentage of Participants Achieving ACR70 Response at Week 16 for Zasocitinib Dose A and B Compared to Placebo [Time Frame: At Week 16]
Change From Baseline in the Short Form-36 Health Survey Version 2.0 (SF-36 v2.0) Physical Component Summary (PCS) Score at Week 16 for Zasocitinib Dose A Compared to Placebo [Time Frame: Baseline, at Week 16]
Change From Baseline in the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy (FACIT)- Fatigue Score at Week 16 for Zasocitinib Dose A Compared to Placebo [Time Frame: Baseline, at Week 16]
Percentage of Participants Achieving LEI =0 (in Participants With a Baseline LEI >=1) at Week 16 for Zasocitinib Dose A and B Compared to Placebo [Time Frame: Baseline, at Week 16]
Change From Baseline in Individual Components of ACR Response at Week 16 for Zasocitinib Dose A and B Compared to Placebo [Time Frame: Baseline, at Week 16]
Percentage of Participants Achieving Leeds Dactylitis Index (LDI) =0 (in Participants With a Baseline LDI >=1) at Week 16 for Zasocitinib Dose A and B Compared to Placebo [Time Frame: Baseline, at Week 16]
Percentage of Participants Achieving PASI-75 Response (in Participants With a Baseline >=3% BSA) at Week 8 for Zasocitinib Dose A and B Compared to Placebo [Time Frame: Baseline, at Week 8]
Percentage of Participants Achieving PASI-90 Response (in Participants With a Baseline >=3% BSA) at Week 16 for Zasocitinib Dose A and B Compared to Placebo [Time Frame: Baseline, at Week 16]
Percentage of Participants Achieving PASI-100 Response (in Participants With a Baseline >=3% BSA) at Week 16 for Zasocitinib Dose A and B Compared to Placebo [Time Frame: Baseline, at Week 16]
Percentage of Participants Achieving ACR50 and PASI-100 Response (in Participants With a Baseline >=3% BSA) Simultaneously at Week 16 for Zasocitinib Dose A and B Compared to Placebo [Time Frame: Baseline, at Week 16]
Percentage of Participants Achieving sPGA Response of Clear (0) or Almost Clear (1) With >=2-Point Decrease From Baseline (in Participants With a Baseline sPGA >=2) at Week 16 for Zasocitinib Dose A and B Compared to Placebo [Time Frame: Baseline, at Week 16]
Percentage of Responders Achieving Minimal Clinically Important Differences (Reduction of >=0.35 From Baseline) in HAQ-DI Score From Baseline at Week 16 for Zasocitinib Dose A and B Compared to Placebo [Time Frame: Baseline, at Week 16]
Change From Baseline in the SF-36 v2.0 Mental Component Summary (MCS) Score at Week 16 for Zasocitinib Dose A and B Compared to Placebo [Time Frame: Baseline, at Week 16]
Change From Baseline in Psoriatic Arthritis Impact of Disease-12 Items (PsAID-12) Total Score at Week 16 for Zasocitinib Dose A and B Compared to Placebo [Time Frame: Baseline, at Week 16]
Change From Baseline in Disease Activity Index for Psoriatic Arthritis (DAPSA) Score at Week 16 for Zasocitinib Dose A and B Compared to Placebo [Time Frame: Baseline, at Week 16]
Change From Baseline in Disease Activity Score-28 (DAS28) (C-Reactive Protein) Score at Week 16 for Zasocitinib Dose A and B Compared to Placebo [Time Frame: Baseline, at Week 16]
Change From Baseline in Physician's Global Assessment of Fingernail Psoriasis (PGA-F) Score in Participants With Psoriatic Nail Involvement (PGA-F Greater than [>] 0) From Baseline at Week 16 for Zasocitinib Dose A and B Compared to Placebo [Time Frame: Baseline, at Week 16]
Change From Baseline in the SF-36 v2.0 PCS Score at Week 16 for Zasocitinib Dose B Compared to Placebo [Time Frame: Baseline, at Week 16]
Change From Baseline in the FACIT- Fatigue Score at Week 16 for Zasocitinib Dose B Compared to Placebo [Time Frame: Baseline, at Week 16]